1. Close the eyes and take three deep, cleansing breaths. Focus on inhaling clean air and exhaling stale air.

  2. Continuing to breathe deeply, spend a few moments focusing your attention on the toes. Attention is fully focused on this part of the body when the position of each toe can be mentally visualized. This in itself can be quite relaxing as attention shifts from the mind to the body.

  3. When fully focused on the toes, flex them as tightly as possible for a few seconds and then let go. Notice how much more relaxed they feel after letting go.

  4. Next, flex the calf muscles by pointing the toes as far back toward the head as possible while keeping the legs out straight. (Do not try this if prone to muscle cramps in the calves). Hold for a few seconds and then release, noticing the difference. Continue this alternate flexing and releasing through the thighs, buttocks, stomach, shoulders, neck and jaw muscles.

  5. Lastly, open the eyes as widely as possible with eyebrows up high for a few seconds, and then release. Once released, close the eyes and feel the relaxation throughout the body.